27 Feb, Sun
Event ended


Event ended
More info
Multiverse is a place where music meets magic, everything you can imagine is possible.
Immerse yourself in the Multiverse, dare to dream, allow yourself to let go of reality.
In the Multiverse we use dance to express the true meaning of our soul, everything that is sacred and mystical will be revealed as we fade into the music, as we turn one with it.
As our open arms and mind welcome for the very first time to our shores and truly experience the poetry of dancing, we finally understand that music is the answer, music is the way.
We are all made of stars.
We all look at the same sky, the same galaxy,, the same moon and the same sun.
This is where we will finally make CONTACT 🪐⛺️💿🎧🌚
💿 Mario Bazouri
💿 Cattaree
💿 Arado
💿 Arctrik
💿 John Acquaviva
💿 Echonomist_music
💿 Momoda
💿 DJ Tennis

Longbeach Campground
26th & 27th February

Ticket 26th February | AED 350 per person
Ticket 27th February | AED 300 per person
Ticket for 2 Days | AED 600 per person (26th & 27th Feb)
Backstage VIP Ticket | AED 1000 per person
Authentic Deluxe Tent w/ Tickets | AED 2040 per night | Up to 3 adults
Authentic Family Tent w/ Tickets | AED 2900 per night | Up to 4 adults


Longbeach Campground
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